Hi and welcome to the CMA International Training Area,
Please note this CMA International membership material is only accepted in Australia. For International membership in other countries, including the USA, please contact the appropriate county or membership@cmausa.org
Before undertaking the training please be aware that there are certain pre-requisites, namely:
- You are a financial member of CMA Australia in your relevant state, and have been so for more than 12 months;
- You are an active member of CMA Australia attending events in your relevant state; and
- You agree to uphold the values and beliefs of CMA International.
Once you have completed your training please post the completed forms to the address below or scan and email them to national.secretary@cmaaus.org . On receipt of your paperwork the registration process will be kicked off and you will soon receive a CMA International Badge (front) and shortly after a CMA Membership Card. If the wearing of the large back emblem is approved in your state these can be arranged and cost $25 – the large back emblem remains the property of CMA Australia.
Due to the administrative costs associated with this course we ask that trainees that are able make a donation of $10 or more to the following account:
Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 062-265
Acct No: 11612094
Acct Name: Christian Motorcyclists Association Australia
Ready to begin your training?
Then contact me for a password to enable you to access the material, once you have the password go to http://www.national.cmaaus.org/cma-international-training-material/
CMA International
National Training Coordination
35 Madeline St
Fairfield West NSW 2165
Doddles: 0438 226383 / international@cmaaus.org