The Christian Motorcyclists’ Association of Australia consists of state bodies who coordinate events and activities within their local regions – their websites can be accessed via the links above. To ensure that we have a common vision and direction there is a National Body overseeing this and it is the responsibility of the National Coordinator to facilitate the unity amidst the diversity.
Barry & Margy Day were elected by their peers to be the National Coordinators of CMA Australia. This recognizes Barry & Margy’s long-standing commitment to CMA in all states of Australia & the International CMA movement.
Barry has been a member of CMANSW since 1986 & Margy since 1989 when they became a family, they have been Life Members of CMANSW since 2008.
You can get in touch with Barry & Margy via

The National Secretary is Grahame Bertram and he can be reached via